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You can make a difference too

Your support is important to our work at ViaTalenta Foundation. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you too can get involved.

Make a donation in honour of someone

If you would like to leave a donation “made in honour of someone”, please use the “contact us” button below.

Contact us

Donate via bank transfer

IBAN: CH70 0483 5173 5020 8100 0
Clearance/SWIFT: 4835 / CRESCHZZ80A
Bank: Credit Suisse
Bahnhofstrasse 17
6300 Zug

Leave a legacy

You can leave a legacy of impact and sustainable development through Bequests, gifts of life insurance, charitable lead trusts and other investments. 

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