Dec 6, 2018 | 0 comments

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ViaTalenta Group announces the inclusion of sustainable pearl jewellery in ViaTalenta Collections

2018 | 0 comments


Dec 6, 2018 | 0 comments

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The Group announced today the inclusion of sustainable pearl jewellery in the ViaTalenta Collections. Pearls and their oysters are emerging as one of the most sustainable products in ocean-based economies. There is a unique synergy between pearl quality, ocean health and conservation. Moreover, pearl farming offers economic development opportunities to remote communities.  Through Collections, the Foundation can expand its programmes, commitment and impact in Myanmar and Southeast Asia.

“With an increasing threat from climate change and poverty, it is important to support both ocean-based economies and artisans. Through our collaboration with MyDesign, we can ensure that artisanal skills are protected and that new talents are given the opportunity to embark on this journey to bring sustainability to the region.”
Christina-Anne Kyosti